List Segmentation Can be Valuable if Based on Market Intelligence and Interactions

Every organization is unique. So too are each contact on your prospecting list. By segmenting lists before, during, and after marketing to your contacts you will improve lead generation performance.

Segmenting Your Contact Lists Provide a Better Experience and Better Results

List segmentation is exactly what it sounds like. It is the process of breaking up your target market list into smaller segments. These list segments can be cut and combined several different ways. First, you split contacts into groups by industry. The next list segment is company size (revenue or employees). Next, use any demographics data you have. Also, contact activities, such as content downloads or webinar registrations can provide another level of list segmentation. The main point of list segmentation is to quickly measure the performance of a list segment. Secondarily, you offer your prospects a more meaningful, personalized marketing experience.  

Common Ways to Segment Your Lists

improve digital marketing performance by segmenting lists

Common characteristics used to create segmented lists are: 

1 – Industry – Targeting industry verticals is one of the most common ways B2B companies approach their markets, and one of the most successful. Industry verticals typically have unique and specific attributes, pain points, and goals.  

For example, financial services companies tend to be more conservative and often focus on compliance issues. Meanwhile, manufacturing companies typically care more about cost and time rather than value. Software and technology companies are more focused on innovation and product adoption. While healthcare is often driven by regulation, patient satisfaction score and revenue growth.  

2 – Company size (employee size or annual revenue) – Company size often drives the types of challenges a company can face. Mid-market companies typically face challenges that differ significantly from those faced by small businesses or large enterprise organizations. They also have different buying committees, sales cycles, and decision processes.  

What’s more, mid-market tech companies may be focused on productivity gains. Contrarily, enterprise tech companies may have their sights set on deeper investments in machine learning and digital transformation. Small business tech companies are often concerned with creating scale.

3 – Response to marketing activity  – When a prospect responds to a marketing activity, they are typically scored or vetted. With this data you can segment by those indicate the highest interest. Then, you can forward those contacts to sales for follow up. Conversely, other hand raisers can be segmented by activity indicating the need for more qualification. So with those, you would continue outreach to nurture them along the way of their buyer journey.

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