Helping Private Equity Firms Drive Portfolio Revenue Growth

Let’s discuss growing your portfolio’s revenue with our successful PE growth engine services.

Call us at (770) 881-8408.

PE portfolio growth services

Significant Returns for PE Firms


Revenue growth creates more shareholder value than cost-cutting, improving free cash flow, or multiple expansion—combined. However, PE firms encounter multiple challenges when faced with the task of driving organic growth for their portfolio companies. Utilizing advanced sales development methodologies, we help PE backed companies better understand their total addressable market, accelerate new logo engagement, and drive predictable, scalable growth. Our programs go beyond the basics of lead generation and are data driven, built on proven methodologies, and developed by experienced sales professionals.

Our Revenue Growth Services for PE Firms


Growth Orbit provides revenue growth services to a wide range of private equity backed companies. Our clients range from large global companies to smaller growth-oriented firms. We bring a highly sophisticated set of best practices and tactical resources to grow revenue and maximize your return on investment.

A rich repository of unique cross-industry and industry-specific data informs all of our recommendations. Our team delivers in-depth, specialized insights which are based on years of sales execution experience across many industries including:

  • Business Services
  • Technology
  • Healthcare Technology
  • All things SaaS
  • IoT, AI, and Predictive Analytics
  • Industrial Manufacturing

Our process for designing a successful revenue growth engine, blends our industry experience with our proven sales methodologies and enablement tools. We possess years of experience creating results-driven sales programs and supporting a wide range of PE backed companies. Ultimately, we deliver customized, structured programs designed to fit the unique needs of Private Equity.

Our sales revenue growth programs identify the right processes, systems, benchmarks, market data, and roles to help your portfolio companies achieve a sales success that delivers maximum returns.

Driving Top-Line Revenue Growth While Protecting the Bottom Line


Private equity firms are chartered with the daunting task of evaluating and investing in companies that will generate significant returns for their investors. They are renowned for excellent financial controls and for a relentless focus on enhancing the performance basics: revenue, operating margins, and cash flow.  But the real factor that drives private equity success is a successful sales organization.

Technology innovation and digital transformation provide great advantages to businesses, including improving customer experiences, operational efficiencies, and enhancing profits. But maximizing PE returns requires revenue growth; Real growth; Sustained, predictable, profitable growth.

Growth Orbit works with investment and operating partners, and portfolio company leaders to assess, design, and implement revenue growth solutions that drive predictable, scalable, measurable results throughout the entire PE life cycle.

With Challenge comes Opportunity for Private Equity Firms

PE firm revenue growth solutionsThe rules of revenue growth have changed… Digital technology is accelerating the pace of business. Companies are challenged to invest in new revenue models while maximizing short-term performance. Customers have the power of information and dictate the rules of engagement.

Organizations struggle to execute go-to-market strategies that engage the right prospects and deliver value to prospects. Revenue growth expertise is critical, but sourcing quality talent is highly competitive and that talent is expensive.

Like most revenue-focused executives, you need to make this year’s number, prepare for next year, and lay the groundwork for the future. You require insights and benchmarks to assess performance and inform your decisions. You need to equip your sales and marketing organizations to deliver measurable value in a way that will differentiate your products and services, command a premium, and deliver profitable, sustainable revenue growth.

Organizations everywhere are struggling with the same issues, not only within your line of business, but across industries. They are seeking solutions to navigate today’s dynamic landscape and build a successful revenue growth engine. They want revenue growth experts who can execute and who are results oriented. That’s why they turn to Growth Orbit.

Start Growing Portfolio Revenues Now


increase revenue with outsourced sales leads services

call us for healthcare technology leadsTalk with Us

During your free consultation, we will evaluate your organization’s goals and needs.

get a lead generation program planWe Develop a Plan 

We develop a lead generation program unique to your organization and goals.

get outsourced technology leadsWe Generate Qualified Leads 

With our proven sales methodologies, we generate qualified leads to fill the top of your sales funnel.

increase healthcare technology salesYou Start Growing Revenue 

We transfer leads directly with your sales team to so they can close deals and accelerate your growth. 

Frequently Asked Question for Private Equity Partners

How does Growth Orbit align its lead generation strategies with the unique goals of private equity firms?

Growth Orbit aligns its lead generation strategies with the unique goals of private equity firms by focusing on driving sustainable, scalable revenue growth that maximizes the valuation of portfolio companies. We understand that for PE firms, it’s not just about generating leads but about creating shareholder value through strategic sales initiatives. Our approach includes a deep dive into the total addressable market, acceleration of new logo engagement, and the implementation of advanced sales methodologies designed to deliver predictable growth. This alignment ensures that our efforts contribute directly to enhancing the performance basics—revenue, operating margins, and cash flow—critical to PE success.

Can Growth Orbit assist in the early stages of due diligence for potential acquisitions by evaluating the sales potential?

Yes, Growth Orbit can assist private equity firms in the early stages of due diligence for potential acquisitions by providing an in-depth evaluation of the sales potential of target companies. Our team conducts a comprehensive analysis of the target’s market positioning, sales processes, and revenue growth opportunities. By leveraging our rich repository of cross-industry data and applying proven sales methodologies, we offer insights into the scalability of the sales organization and the viability of achieving significant returns on investment. This evaluation helps PE firms make informed decisions about potential acquisitions.

How does Growth Orbit customize its lead generation programs for different industries within a PE firm’s portfolio?

Growth Orbit customizes its lead generation programs for different industries within a PE firm’s portfolio by leveraging our extensive experience across various sectors, including business services, technology, healthcare technology, SaaS, IoT, AI, and industrial manufacturing, among others. Our customized approach involves a deep understanding of each industry’s unique challenges, customer behaviors, and regulatory environments. We utilize industry-specific data and insights to develop tailored messaging and sales strategies that resonate with target audiences, ensuring that our lead generation programs are effectively designed to fit the unique needs of each portfolio company.

What metrics and benchmarks does Growth Orbit use to measure the success of its lead generation programs for PE-backed companies?

Growth Orbit employs a comprehensive set of metrics and benchmarks to measure the success of its lead generation programs for PE-backed companies. These include key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead conversion rates, new logo engagement, sales cycle lengths, customer acquisition costs, and return on investment (ROI). Additionally, we analyze market data, sales productivity, and revenue growth trends to assess program effectiveness and make data-driven adjustments. Our focus on measurable results and continuous improvement ensures that our lead generation strategies are aligned with the goals of maximizing portfolio company valuations and driving sustainable revenue growth.

How does Growth Orbit address the competitive and fast-paced nature of digital technology in its lead generation strategies for PE firms?

Growth Orbit addresses the competitive and fast-paced nature of digital technology in its lead generation strategies for PE firms by incorporating cutting-edge sales development methodologies and leveraging the latest in AI and digital transformation trends. Our strategies are designed to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital technology, focusing on innovative go-to-market tactics that engage the right prospects and deliver value. We emphasize the importance of digital technology in improving customer experiences, operational efficiencies, and driving profitable growth. By staying ahead of digital trends and adapting our strategies accordingly, we ensure that PE-backed companies can capitalize on digital opportunities to achieve significant returns.

Partner with a Team That Understands Private Equity

Whether conducting due diligence for a potential acquisition, evaluating a current portfolio company’s growth strategy, or accelerating growth for a new investment, Growth Orbit can help. We understand that growing revenues is hard. Our team is ready to face your challenges head-on and help your portfolio companies achieve predictable, scalable, revenue growth.

Growth Orbit Insights


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In the high-stakes world of Private Equity (PE), it’s all about finding innovative ways to fuel the growth and profitability of portfolio companies. Increasingly, PE firms realize the value of outsourcing lead generation, an integral function that can make or break a company’s long-term success.

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