Helping ERP Providers and Consultants Generate More Qualified Sales Leads

Let’s discuss growing your ERP solutions business with our highly-targeted lead generation services.

Call us at (770) 881-8408.

ERP sales leads

Leads for ERP Providers


An ERP solution is one of the biggest investments that an organization will ever make. Identifying companies contemplating this journey is also difficult. Understanding the market, the movers, and which organization is imbedded with what solution is a major undertaking. Utilizing advanced sales development methodologies, we help ERP companies identify qualified prospects, engage in value-based conversations, and generate qualified leads. Our program goes beyond the basics of lead generation with a sales development program that is data driven, built on proven methodologies, and developed by experienced sales professionals.

Our ERP Provider Lead Generation Program Services


By outsourcing lead generation to us, you gain new insights into your market, engage more prospects, generate more qualified leads, and drive more predictable revenue growth. 

Our process for designing a successful lead generation campaign blends our ERP industry experience with our proven sales methodologies. With years of experience designing results-driven lead generation programs supporting ERP providers. Growth Orbit delivers customized, structured lead generation programs designed to fit the unique needs of the ERP industry.

Our sales development program identifies the right processes, systems, benchmarks, market data, and roles to help you achieve a lead generation program that delivers real revenue results. 

Generating Pipeline for ERP Providers


We understand the ERP business.

ERP innovation and digital transformation projects provide great advantages to businesses, including improving customer experiences, streamlining processes, and enhancing profits. We understand ERP business applications and have tailored our approach to engage your ideal targets and assist your prospect on their transformation journey.  

Selling ERP solutions requires a special business acumen and an understanding of technical terminology. From API to Work Order Cost, we understand your language and acronyms, but more importantly, we know how to translate them into value-based conversations with your ideal prospects. We can ensure your sales force receives the quality leads they need to grow their pipeline and achieve your revenue goals. 

Growth Orbit’s Approach to ERP Solution Lead Generation

Strategy Development

It’s critical that your strategy is grounded in proven methodologies, tailored for your market, and structured to measure and manage results.

Target List Acquisition & Enhancement

We will build, acquire, and enhance the company and contact data needed for successful targeting.

Addressable Market Analysis

In-depth analysis of the total addressable market provides actionable insights into segments, trends, and prioritization strategies.

Advanced Lead Generation Program Tactics

Predictable results are best achieved through a proven framework.  Growth Orbit has developed a formula for lead generation success by working on thousands of client engagements.

Messaging Strategy Development

It takes a clear understanding of your market to create insightful messaging that brings insight and relevance to your target market and ideal customer profile.

Sales Development Playbooks

The sales development playbook is the strategic foundation to building a repeatable, scalable lead generation process to accelerate your growth.  It is the core tool that supports all other selling activities and serves as the guide to your products and services.

Program Metrics and Performance Management

Not measuring and analyzing the operations and strategic activities of your lead generation campaign will great affect its success.  How else will you know if the strategy you created is on point, and where to make appropriate adjustments?

Why a Professional Approach to ERP Sales Development Matters

ERP software leadsERP innovations are driving businesses of all types to rapidly evolve and achieve new capabilities and improved operational efficiencies. Yet, new ERP initiatives create new and distinct challenges. From identifying the ideal targets, to effectively delivering your unique value, our team of experts can develop the ideal lead generation program for your specific offering.  

We speak ERP. Our team possesses a deep understanding of ERP and its applications. We know that all businesses are focused on growth and improving productivity, and time is a precious commodity. Yet success in business today requires continuous examination of all aspects of operations. Utilizing our proven methodologies, data, technology, and experience, we know how to engage with the ideal prospects, at the right level and generate qualified leads to drive your ERP pipeline growth.  

As the landscape changes, businesses rapidly evolve, and ERP providers must remain agile. Let our dedicated team of experts design a lead generation program specifically for your needs. You know your business. We know ERP solutions lead generation. Let us develop the right program together and help you accelerate your growth.  

Start ERP Solutions Lead Generation Now


increase revenue with outsourced sales leads services

call us for healthcare technology leadsTalk with Us

During your free consultation, we will evaluate your organization’s goals and needs.

get a lead generation program planWe Develop a Plan 

We develop a lead generation program unique to your organization and goals.

get outsourced healthcare technology leadsWe Generate Qualified Leads 

With our proven sales methodologies, we generate qualified leads to fill the top of your sales funnel.

increase healthcare technology salesYou Start Growing Revenue 

We transfer leads directly with your sales team to so they can close deals and accelerate your growth. 

Frequently Asked Questions for ERP Provider Lead Generation

How does Growth Orbit tailor its lead generation strategies to suit different types of ERP solutions?

Growth Orbit tailors its lead generation strategies for different ERP solutions by first gaining a deep understanding of each client’s specific ERP offerings, target market, and unique value proposition. We leverage our extensive experience in the ERP sector to customize our approach, focusing on the specific benefits and features of each type of ERP solution, whether it’s for manufacturing, finance, healthcare, or any other industry. Our strategies are then developed based on this insight, incorporating industry-specific messaging, targeting ideal customer profiles, and utilizing sales development playbooks that resonate with the particular needs and challenges of the target audience.

What methodologies does Growth Orbit employ to ensure high-quality leads for ERP providers?

Growth Orbit employs a combination of advanced sales development methodologies, data-driven insights, and industry-specific knowledge to ensure the generation of high-quality leads for ERP providers. Our methodologies include targeted list acquisition and enhancement, addressable market analysis, and the development of customized messaging strategies. We also use a proven framework for lead generation success, supported by sales development playbooks and rigorous program metrics and performance management. This comprehensive approach ensures that our lead generation efforts align with our clients’ goals and deliver real, measurable revenue results.

Can Growth Orbit assist ERP providers in understanding and segmenting their total addressable market?

Yes, Growth Orbit can assist ERP providers in understanding and segmenting their total addressable market (TAM). Our team conducts in-depth market analysis to provide actionable insights into market segments, trends, and prioritization strategies. This process helps ERP providers identify and focus on the most lucrative market segments, tailor their marketing and sales efforts to specific industry needs, and allocate resources more efficiently. Understanding the TAM is crucial for developing a focused and effective lead generation strategy that maximizes return on investment.

How does Growth Orbit ensure that its lead generation strategies remain effective in the rapidly evolving ERP market?

Growth Orbit ensures that its lead generation strategies remain effective in the rapidly evolving ERP market by staying abreast of industry trends, innovations, and digital transformation projects. Our team continuously monitors the ERP landscape, adapting our strategies to meet changing market demands and leveraging the latest in sales development methodologies and enablement tools. We also prioritize ongoing client collaboration and feedback to refine and optimize lead generation programs. This proactive and flexible approach allows us to support our clients in navigating the dynamic ERP market and achieving sustained, scalable growth.

What makes Growth Orbit’s approach to ERP solutions lead generation unique?

What makes Growth Orbit’s approach to ERP solutions lead generation unique is our specialized expertise in the ERP industry (SAP, Dynamics, Salesforce.com, NetSuite, Epicor), combined with our comprehensive, data-driven, and proven sales development methodologies. Our deep understanding of the ERP business and technical terminology enables us to engage in meaningful, value-based conversations with prospects. Unlike generic lead generation services, we possess a nuanced appreciation for the challenges and opportunities specific to ERP sales, allowing us to effectively translate complex ERP features into compelling benefits for potential buyers. This expertise, along with our customized strategy development and commitment to measuring and managing results, sets us apart in helping ERP providers accelerate their revenue growth.

Partner with a Team that Understands ERP

The experts at Growth Orbit have perfected lead generation for the ERP industry. We understand that sales is hard and identifying new ERP opportunities is even harder. Our team is ready to face your challenges head-on and help you achieve predictable, scalable, revenue growth.

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