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Why Your Messaging is All Wrong
Why Your Messaging is All Wrong
We see it every day. It’s a simple question, but too often the answer is not. “Tell us a little about what your company does.” The response often starts with “… well, it’s complicated.” This is then followed with a story about when the company was founded, how evolved, the investors and or leadership that is involved, ultimately getting to the all too common “we are the leading provider
of…” Snooze.
If you can’t quickly and concisely explain what your business does, potential customers will just tune you out. Your company solves a problem, so get to the point. If your company story is too difficult to explain in simple terms, not only do you risk being forgettable, potential customers simply will not invest their time to listen. If they don’t quickly grasp the value you offer them, you lose.
So, how do you talk to potential customers with clarity in your messaging? This whitepaper is designed to share some tactics that you must use to explain your company in an impactful, meaningful way that engages your prospects and draws them into the story. The guiding principles here include:
- It is about them, not you
- Start with the problem you solve
- Fear of loss is a greater motivator than gain
- Keep it simple
- Effective storytelling is powerful

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