How a Playbook Accelerates Sales Development Success

When properly developed and deployed, a sales development playbook is a powerful tool to support all your sales activities. Unlike a script, a playbook is a living document providing a foundation for standard, scalable processes.

The Power of a Playbook for Lead Generation

Success is built on a good foundation, and for sales teams, that base is a Sales Development Playbook. The playbook is the core tool that supports all other selling activities. So without it, success is highly unlikely; if not downright impossible.

SDR using a playbook to make prospecting callsYou may have heard the phrase, “He/She could sell ice to an Eskimo”, showcasing the idea that that anyone with the ability to persuade or “smooth talk” can be a successful salesperson. Here at Growth Orbit, we subscribe that you can only “sell ice to an Eskimo” with a standardized, structured, and repeatable sales process. This process is outlined in the SDR playbook. 

Initially, a playbook educates a new SDR about critical company information. This includes:

  • identifying the market
  • value proposition
  • competitors
  • targets
  • personas

Using a Playbook Drives SDR Success

Of course, it is so much more. When analyzing SDR success, one thing continues to hold true. We find that the more a SDR utilizes the information provided in the playbook the more successful they become. Using the playbook as a base, SDRs can customize messaging and offer valuable insight to prospects on their contact list. With more meaningful, more relevant communication they generate more leads. In other words, the power of a sales development playbook is SUCCESS! 

Long-term Success Becomes More Likely

It is not just about success today either. Over time, sales strategies must adjust as the market matures. Adjustment should be made as the competitive environment changes and prospects’ knowledge grows. Thus, the sales development playbook must be a living document, and it must be kept current. For example, selling a product in 2022 looks a lot different than it did prior to Covid.  If a company was selling PPE (Personal Protecting Equipment) before the pandemic, their value proposition would focus on keeping healthcare workers safe. In today’s environment, it is about keeping everyone safe. So, their target market has grown exponentially. In summary, without an up-to-date playbook, the messaging, insights, and targets would be all wrong.

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