Our methods are based on some of the most popular sales books ever written. Taking inspiration from a select list of sales books, we have developed our own Growth Orbit way. Here are some of the books we recommend for anyone striving for success in sales or sales development roles.


Over the years we have developed a unique set of core beliefs. The Growth Orbit way of thinking has been shaped by several insightful and thought-provoking authors. Many of the best sales books are born out of intense research. Some are based on real-world experiences. Others have stood the test of time despite changes in human behaviors and technological advancements. Here is our list of recommended sales books we think every salesperson should read.

SPIN Selling

good sales book SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling by Neil Racham is essential reading for anyone involved in selling or managing sales. Unquestionably the most thoroughly researched look at what leads to sales success ever developed. The book is nearly 40 years old now, but most of its techniques are as practical today as the day the book was published.

The Challenger Sale

a great sales book is The Challenger Sale

Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson present this book, which suggests that the best salespeople both build relationships and challenge them. Read up if you want to take the role of a challenger and improve your performance.

The Sales Acceleration Formula

the sales acceleration formula is a good sales book

Mark Roberge was an MIT trained engineer when he joined HubSpot to run sales. The book describes HubSpot’s evolution and the approach they developed to scale sales.  Most interesting is the metrics-based, data-driven approach they utilized to continuously optimize every aspect of sales and marketing.

Predictable Revenue

a good sales book to read is Predictable Revenue

Aaron Ross and Marylou Tyler wrote this book together, exploring the strategies that allowed to add more than $100 million in recurring revenue to the business. A great example of a data driven approach.

Predictable Prospecting

predictable prospecting book

This is the sequel to Predictable Revenue. Marylou Tyler was a co-author of that book and advances many of the predictable revenue concepts in this book and brings them to the next level.

Pardon My Interruption

pardon my interruption book

Matthew Lampros is an unconventional thinker and a bit of a contrarian, but this book offers a practical guide with specific tactics, which are supported by data, to become more effective at prospecting.

Building a Story Brand

Donald Miller Story Brand

This book by Donald Miller has none of the characteristics we typically base our recommendations on. No research, no supporting data, nothing. Yet the formula and approach it offers for developing messaging is highly effective.

Never Split the Difference

never split the difference book

Chris Voss spent 20 years leading the FBI’s hostage negotiating team. This book takes you inside the world of high-stakes negotiations, revealing the skills that helped the FBI succeed where it mattered most: saving lives. While this doesn’t sound like a sales book, Never Split the Difference offers a practical guide to becoming more persuasive, a fundamental sales skill. This book is a highly entertaining to boot!

The Art of War

the art of war book

We get it, you’re a salesperson and not the general of an ancient tribe of warriors. But this book by Sun Tzu has great practical advice about strategy, tactics, negotiation, and persuasion. It is arguably the oldest sales book in existence.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This Dale Carnegie book has long been a classic for salespeople and other professionals alike. With it, you’ll learn the habits and behaviors that make people “likable” and get actionable steps for how to improve your sales techniques. It’s also super reader-friendly and down-to-earth, so you’ll enjoy reading it.

how to win friends and influence people

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